De-energized cage-form tap-changer
该系列产品为油浸式无载调压变压器用沙巴体育,采用立式笼形结构,开关转换的方式按照内部结构的不同,可分为线性调、单桥跨接、双桥跨接、Y-△转换、串-并联转换、正反调等。开关的安装方式分箱顶式和钟罩式两种,操作方式分为顶盖手动、落地手动和电动三种。开关能广泛适用于额定频率为50Hz、60Hz, 设备最高电压为252kV以下,额定电流250A~3000A的电力、整流、电炉等变压器。本开关只能在变压器无励磁条件下才可进行操作!
Product purpose and application scope
WSL 口 Series de-energized tap-changer is used for oil-immersed transformer with no-load tap-changer. It is usually of cage type structure. The switch transition type is variable with its inner structure. It has linear regulating, single-bridge stridden over connection, double-bridge stridden over connection, Y一△ transition, series -parallel connected transition, positive or reverse regulation ate. This tap-changer is classified into two type, one called tank head type, the other called bell covered type. The operation method can be classified into two type, one is handled on the tank head or to the grounding, the other is driven with motor. They are used for power transformer, rectification transformer or furnace transformer in following specification range, rated frequency with 50Hz or 60Hz, highest voltage for equipment with 252kV and below, rated current with 250A~3000A. This type of tap-changer can only be operated in transformer under non-energized condition.
Installation diagram for top-cover and bell-cover oil-tank cage -form tap-changer
WSL口₃ 沙巴体育落地手动操作结构示意图
De-energized fall to the ground to move to opreate the construction sketch diagram
De-energized fall to the ground the electricity moves to opreate the construction sketch diagram
WSL I₃线性调的笼形分接开关
WSL I₃ Linear voltage-regulating
WSL口₃ 单桥跨接、Y-△转换( ll、IV )分接开关(250-1000A)
WSL口₃ Single-bridge stridden over connection, Y-△ exchange tap-changer
WSL口₃ 单桥跨接( II )分接开关( 1250-1600 )
WSL口₃ Single-bridge stridden over connection tap-changer
WSL口₃ 双桥跨接、串并联(V、VI) 笼形分接开关
WSL口₃ double-bridge stridden over connection, series-parallel connection exchange tap-changer
WSL VII₃ 正反调带电外限小的笼形分接开关
WSL VII₃ positive or reverse regulation tap-changer
WSL VII₃ 正反调多分接笼形分接开关
WSL VII₃ positive or reverse regulation multi-tap cage-form tap-changer
WSL VII₃₁ 正反调多分接笼形分接开关
WSL Vll₃₁ positive or reverse regulation multi-tap cage-form tap-changer
产品销售热线:+86-576-83379018 / 83379188


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